02 Oct Momonga Patch: Version 1.2.2 available on the App Store
With the latest content update of Momonga, we introduced iCloud storage and Google Play Games Services. With these services you are able to save your progress in the cloud, and sync it between devices.
Unfortunately we got several reports that when turning on iCloud, people would lose their progress in the game. Ouch.
We are really (really really) sorry about this. The good news is that we submitted a patch and the fine folks at Apple approved it in record speed. So if you are playing Momonga on iOS, be sure to grab the latest update and give it a go!
We truly hope that all is well now – but should you have any remaining issues, please do let us know at support (at) paladinstudios.com. We monitor this mail address daily and usually respond to your questions within 24 hours.
Happy pinballing! 🙂
Stein & the Paladin team
PS – If you were affected by this bug, please drop us a line at the support mail address, so we can make it up to you. Thanks!
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