24 Nov It’s PalaJam time!
Game jams are a strong part of our industry and we all love them. But they are not only fun; game jams are awesome for various reasons. First of all, it’s a great opportunity to meet and work with other people. Secondly, time pressure forces you to get things going, without getting lost in details. And last but not least, they take you away from daily business so you can fully focus on ideas for new games. The latter is the main reason for doing our in-house game jam, known als PalaJam.
PalaJams give us the opportunity to completely let go of the games we are currently working on and to come up with fresh news ideas for games we want to work on in the (not too far away) future. You can find out more about the Paladin view on Generating Ideas with Internal Game Jams in the presentation that Derk de Geus gave at Casual Connect, earlier this year.
This week we’ve freed up two days to jam our hearts out. Since two days is a rather short timeframe to come up with a first prototype, we want to hit the ground running. Two weeks prior to jam-week, a dedicated group came up with a few themes. The week after that, everyone at Paladin pitched their game ideas for the various themes. Last weekend, the dedicated team chose nine different pitches as the ideas we are going to use in the PalaJam.
Each Paladin employee gets to assign themselves to the game idea they want to work on, so maybe not all nine games will not be prototyped. During the jam, we will post updates on Twitter and Facebook, so if you want to hear more about the PalaJam, please make sure you follow or like us.
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