16 Sep Momonga Pinball Adventures out now on Steam (PC/Mac)
As of today Momonga Pinball Adventures is available on Steam for PC and Mac. Together with indie publisher Plug In Digital we accomplished the long lasting goal of bringing Momo and friends to desktops all around the world.
We started working on Momonga early 2011, when one of our developers had the idea to create an ‘endless pinball game’. Over the course of 2 years that concept evolved to what we know know as Momonga Pinball Adventures, a level-based pinball adventure game characters and story.
The game was well received when we released it on iOS and Android, receiving great reviews by both press and players. Last year we released an updated HD version for Wii U and made it available on several Windows stores together with Game Troopers. Today we are very happy to add Steam to the list.
- Unique pinball with a twist
- Action-packed gameplay
- 9 storyline levels
- 3 bonus level minigames
- 45 challenging Challenges
- Leaderboards
- Achievements
If you feel like playing Momonga on your desktop than you can download the game on Steam. The game is compatible with both Windows and Mac and the minimum requirements are an Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Intel® HD Graphics 4000 and 750 MB available storage space.
Jordan Johnson
Posted at 23:40h, 03 MarchAre you ever going to update this game?