17 Oct Stormbound Dev Update: Future Plans
Now that the game is launched globally, we’re officially live! This means that we are continuously improving the game on all fronts. While working on the game, there were many features that didn’t make it to the launch. On top of that, we have seen some great suggestions and ideas from players now. In this Dev Update, we would like to go over some upcoming changes and go over a few requests we’ve seen on a regular basis.
Please note that this doesn’t guarantee anything. We want to be transparent, but at the same time, the disclaimer needs to be added that we do not know when these features will be finished, and we might change our mind on any of them.
With that said, let’s have a look at the roadmap!
On the top of our list is to improve the quest system in a few ways. The biggest change is that the cooldown between quests will be reduced. This will allow you to complete more quests and collect more currency than before. After the update, you will be able to acquire and hold up to 3 quests, even if you weren’t able to log in and receive those quests. Also, receiving a new quest doesn’t need an app restart anymore after the timer has run out.
There are several changes we want to make to ranked play. The first set of changes will focus primarily on matchmaking. We will create a system that prevents players on a lower ranks to be matched with high leveled players. If you’re just getting started with PvP, we want to make sure you have fair matches. Another change will be that you can’t play versus the same opponent twice in a row.
While in a match, you will have the opportunity to send emotes to your opponent. From loud laughs to evil grins and handshakes, you will be able to connect in more meaningful ways during battles. Fun fact: Each kingdom will have its own set of characters!
New Cards
We plan to regularly add new cards to the game. At first, we will expand our initial set of kingdom and neutral cards, which will contain a mixture of units and spells. These cards will be of a lower rarity and support the basic functionality of their kingdom. The new neutral spells will help you out when you’re stuck in some rough situations!
High on our List
There are a couple of features that are high on our to-do list:
- Challenging Friends
- Improvements to Ranked System
- Additional Campaign Levels
- Improved F2P experience
And of course card balancing is an ongoing process. We appreciate all your suggestions, so if you have any feedback then please drop them in the official forum thread.
Thanks a bunch for being awesome, rock on, and have fun!
-Team Stormbound
Westen Tenney
Posted at 04:24h, 19 OctoberI love that you all are improving the F2P its a literal dream come true!! keep up the good work!
Vanderlei Vander
Posted at 16:27h, 27 OctoberPrecisam melhorar a aplicação, trava na hora de escolher as cartas ai o tempo termina e tu perde o jogo, lamentável…