Best Online Game award for EnerCities

Every year, the Dutch games industry gets together for something special: the Dutch Game Awards Dinner. For one evening, an old industrial train dock in Amersfoort is transformed to host an epic show displaying the Dutch industry’s latest and greatest achievements.

Dutch Game Awards 2010

This year, Paladin’s game EnerCities was nominated for Best Online Game Award and the Control Industry Award. And as the title suggests, we won in the biggest category of this year: Best Online Game. Yay! 🙂

Award ceremony Dutch Game Awards 2010

The jury praised the social aspects and fun of the game, while still tackling a serious topic like energy: “[EnerCities] made good use of the web, in order to spread an entertaining game about a serious topic.”

In total, the DGA had 100 submissions, of which 36 were in the Best Online Game category. Other winners were games like Fairytale Fights, Greed Corp, Paper Cakes and Knutselwereld.

And the owl? He has found a new home in our office 🙂

The Dutch Game Award Owl

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