
Yes! The virtual environment "Pickering Player" has been released to the public. Pickering Player is a bonus feature of the new BLØF cd "Oktober", and contains an interactive 3D environment with bonus media clips. On October 2nd, the evening before the release, the project was featured...

The past months, we have teamed up with Streamline Studios and EMI Music to create a virtual environment for the new Oktober album release of BLØF. As the release is approaching, the scoop is featured on Picnic and online news sites. We recorded the whole recording-process...

The first-ever certified Quest3D training will be hosted later this year in Aachen, Germany. The training will cover all basics of Quest3D: Scene setup 3D import Dealing with logic and mathematics Creating a walkthrough scene We will be on location to provide hands-on instructions and support. Lunch is included, and...

As chairman of BGIn's Serious Games special interest group, Dylan will host a meeting about the future of the serious games industry during the Free Gaming Business Event. Over the past few decades, video games have emerged as a powerful form of entertainment with limitless possibilities....

Derk and Dylan were invited to speak at the GAMEplaces International convention in Frankfurt. Their presentation was about Paladin's experience with Serious Games development, most notably their work on the Offshore Simulator. During the panel discussion at the end, an important theme was the level...

In the past few months, we have worked together with the development agency for the City of Amsterdam, OGA. Today we delivered version 1.0 of the 3D visualisation of Science Park Amsterdam. The interactive 3D viz shows a large part of the Dutch capital, including University...

Today we said goodbye to our beloved office at the prestigious Rapenburg in Leiden. Our new headquarters is closeby, in a renovated factory. The building is called 'New Energy', and hosts a number of communication and media companies. Paladin Studios is excited to be a central...

Twinners is a unique 3D chatroom on tv and internet. This week we're showing the product at MIPTV, the famous media convention in Cannes, France. The broadcasting world showed tremendous interest in Twinners, confirming the potential of this product that brings tv and internet audiences back...