
For the past months we have teamed up with Blind Ferret on something epic: a game set in the Looking For Group universe, codename "The Fork of Truth". Ryan Sohmer, creator of the series, announced the game today. And boy is it going to be awesome...

As you probably know, we just released our new game Nikko RC Racer. It's a sweet little off-road RC racing game, and we are proud of it - while it doesn't pack all the bells and whistles of major racing titles, it has something that...

Recently our studio got an very inspirational visit. No not by some ‘big shot’ or guru, but by an exceptional 10-year-old called Lucas who was accompanied by his brother and mother. They visited us because Lucas has a wish.  He wants to become a game...

It was an exciting day for us, because today we released our latest production Man Bijt Hond Zoekertje. Together with NCRV’s Man Bijt Hond we developed a game to bring the show to your smartphone and tablet.  As of today you can download Man Bijt...

Happy apocalypse Holidays everyone! Boy, what a year. We moved offices, finished our first game, and we worked hard on amazing projects. I even turned 30. You only turn 30 once in your life. ;) The absolute high point for me was last Monday. After nearly two...

The past few weeks have been incredibly busy. We are working on several cool projects and we are putting the final touch on Momonga. In between the real work, we have moved to a new office space too! Say hello to Unit 77: These smartypantses feel right...