05 Oct Jimmy Pataya Multiplayer – Live Dev Blog
We are working on a multiplayer version of Jimmy Pataya, deadline this afternoon. We are liveblogging the progress.
The Idea
The goal is to make a multiplayer version of Jimmy Pataya for the Winnitron. Today we have an open house for the CabFab (our HQ) and we thought we needed a nice showcase for the Winnitron arcade cabinet we pieced together a couple of months ago. And what would be more awesome than Jimmy Pataya multiplayer?
The idea is to dodge blades and get as far as possible while blocking your opponent. All that on the good old Palatron cabinet, with old-fashioned joysticks.
Update 1: Getting Started
We started with the idea yesterday afternoon. Niels got started right away with a splitscreen multiplayer mode to see where this would go. Turns out, it is awesome. That’s when we decided to go for it. Here is a screenshot of the initial multiplayer mode in action:
Jimmy is created with 2D sprites in a 3D world. This works pretty well in single player mode, it seems almost 3D. In multiplayer mode, you can clearly see that it’s a paper-thin model. There’s not much time left – our deadline is today 2pm – but we decided to make a 3D model out of Jimmy.
Here’s Jimmy, Tim and Benjamin (our artists) working on that:
It needs a 3D model, UV map, texture, rig, and animations. I hope we’ll get it done today 🙂
Update 2: 3D model in the game
11:05. We have the 3D model in the game, and are working on the start and finish screens.
The Winnitron is eagerly waiting…
Update 3: Ragdoll Physics!
11:30. YES. YES. YES.
Update 4: Bringing it together
12:48. The clock is ticking, and we need to bring things together now. The ragdolls are working nicely, and the 3D models are done (including some animations). The sprint to the finish line starts – so we need to focus for a bit 😉
However in the meantime, here is the logo and the official name: Jimmy vs Jimmy. (That’s a hat tip to our friends from Vlambeer who created Super Crate Box versus for the Winnitron)
Update 5: …..aaaand it’s live!
(14:00-15:00) Ladies and gentlemen, we present: Jimmy Demeza!
You can check it out live at the Caballero Fabriek in Den Haag. This afternoon there is an open house – so feel free to drop by! 🙂
Stay tuned for updates! We will post updates today as we progress. All updates will be added to this blog post. The deadline is 2pm so I will post a video of the game in action when people are playing it. Be sure to follow @paladinstudios on Twitter so you can see the latest news.
Brian Lindenhof
Posted at 10:32h, 05 OctoberLooking good, the new 3D model will definitely change the style a bit I’d say, hope it won’t take a better phone to run the game on with the 3D model, though a few polys shouldn’t hurt right?
Good luck finishing this today!
Posted at 11:13h, 05 OctoberWe’ll be sure to optimize performance if we take it to mobile!
Brian Lindenhof
Posted at 12:09h, 05 OctoberI’m not too worried myself, I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 😉
Tom Rutjens
Posted at 10:34h, 05 OctoberIf one man can make a 3D model, UV map, texture, rig, and animations in one morning. It’s Jimmy 😉
Posted at 11:09h, 05 OctoberTrue – but he’s not alone, he has the almighty Benjamin working on that too! 🙂
Nathan van Hulst
Posted at 10:49h, 05 OctoberNice =D Too bad I can’t install the game on my android device. Got a Galaxy Gio, which should run this game fine I think. Had Unity game running with 90 drawcalls at 20fps 😛 Altho it needs arm6 published app to play.
Posted at 11:45h, 05 OctoberNot sure if we support that device Nathan – but you can give it a go when we release it for mobile 🙂
El Drijver
Posted at 11:21h, 05 OctoberCool! Jimmy getting some TLC, I bet there’s a sad little momonga squirrel in the corner somewhere 🙂
So, will the multiplayer mode have some kind of interaction between the players?
Posted at 11:38h, 05 OctoberYes! You will be able to block each other. It’s simple but unexpectedly awesome 🙂
Aidan Langelaan
Posted at 11:28h, 05 OctoberWill this also be playable at the Cabalero event? If so I will definitely be coming by to try it out!
Posted at 11:38h, 05 OctoberYes it will be playable in a couple of hours on the Caballero event. See you later today! 🙂
Daniel Stok
Posted at 13:02h, 05 OctoberLooks sweet. For what will you use the ragdoll physics? since you lose the game when hitting one object, while in the video you hit multiple objects. will you have a few lives 😀
Posted at 13:18h, 05 OctoberFor now it’s only the end sequence. But perhaps we will do a bit more – there is a lot of bashing going on between the two Jimmy’s 🙂
Posted at 13:17h, 05 OctoberThats undoubtfully Yorick playing with that ragdoll.
As the deadline is closing in, goodluck guys!
I’ll stop by around 5pm, to set the highscore 😉
Posted at 15:15h, 05 OctoberCheers Lukas! See you later 🙂
Brian Lindenhof
Posted at 16:10h, 05 OctoberEndresult looks great, though the end screen could use some more work haha.
Hope you guys can get this stuff to work on two seperate phones competing, though I’m sure that’ll take some more puzzling code-wise.
Wish I could play it, but no time at the moment…