We have been quiet - even secretive - about it, but today we can spill the beans: Wonder Golf, our new game built in collaboration with publisher DeNA, is out now on the App Store! Wonder Golf - a minigolf adventure Wonder Golf is a minigolf adventure...

For the past months we have teamed up with Blind Ferret on something epic: a game set in the Looking For Group universe, codename "The Fork of Truth". Ryan Sohmer, creator of the series, announced the game today. And boy is it going to be awesome...

Recently our studio got an very inspirational visit. No not by some ‘big shot’ or guru, but by an exceptional 10-year-old called Lucas who was accompanied by his brother and mother. They visited us because Lucas has a wish.  He wants to become a game...

It was an exciting day for us, because today we released our latest production Man Bijt Hond Zoekertje. Together with NCRV’s Man Bijt Hond we developed a game to bring the show to your smartphone and tablet.  As of today you can download Man Bijt...

After months of hard work by the talented gentlemen from Red Factory, our new website has finally gone live! With the new design, we have made a major focus shift - while the old website was focused on B2B customers, the new website is much more...